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The structure of our program will make it easy for both coaches as parents to follow. The primary focus will be on character building and practicing good sportsmanship while following the SCORE model. We will win by playing the game with honor and respect.
Teams are set up as follows:
Asst. Manager
Asst. Manager
Team Parent
Asst. Team Parent
12 Permanent Players (a balanced roster and players will be encouraged in practice to understand all positions)
3 Alternate Players (who may also serve as part of our "Broadcast Team" during games and will be primarily pitchers)

What is a broadcast team?

As part of our vision to broaden baseball's horizons in the eyes of our players, we are introducing them to all aspects of the game. We will have players who enjoy the statistical part of the game, and they will be encouraged to do research on historical stats that relate to todays players. We will also nurture their broadcasting talents by having a youth "broadcast team" who will provide the play by play and we will eventually start to stream it online for anyone to hear (and will be archived). So anyone with dreams of becoming the next Jon Miller or Kruk and Kuip, will have the opportunity with On The GO Baseball. 

There will also be occasional workshops on sports journalism and how to properly write quality news articles for national media sites.

We want to ensure that every young baseball enthusiast is given the chance to cultivate their talents. Not all young baseball players will end up playing the game as a career. But many might still want a career around the game, and it would benefit them to develop those skills and keep their passion alive.


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